Welcome to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign!!

We are proud to house the leaders of our future!

904 W. Green Street Urbana, IL 61801


Latest Past Events

Diwali Rangoli Craft

Hendrick House Back Cafeteria 904 West Green Street, Urbana

In celebration of Diwali, residents will be making customized rangoli's to keep. Come to the Back Cafeteria to celebrate and create a rangoli!

Movie Night at Memorial Stadium

UofI Memorial Stadium 1402 S 1st St., Champaign

Watch a Summer Blockbuster with 7,000 of your newest and closest friends at the U of I. Sponsored by New Student Programs and the Illini Union Board. Meet at the Front Desk of Hendrick House at 7:30 pm to head over to Memorial Stadium.

Illini Union Late Nighter

UofI Illini Union 1401 W Green Street, Urbana

The Illini Union LateNighter is the event to be at during your first Friday night on campus. Bring your roommate and new friends to enjoy comedians, a hypnotist, food, games, giveaways, bowling, and billiards. All for FREE! Meet at  the Front Desk of Hendrick House at 7:30 pm to head over to the Union.